Thursday, June 30, 2005

Five things...

... that are most important to me.

I'm gonna do five now and five later, 'cause I'm at work and I actually have to do the people's stuff, you know?

There are a lot of things that I thought were important, but after my Dad getting sick, a lot of stuff were put in perspective. It's not that those things aren't important, it's just that they've dropped down on the scale of importance and other things have moved up.

1) My family. Yes, the entire family. Last November, my aunt was killed in Barbados and I found out that I had a bunch of family living in Toronto that I never knew about came out of the woodwork. We always considered my mother's side of the family pretty small, so when I was meeting this cousin and that cousin, hearing about this cousin and that cousin, it really lifted my spirits. Out of something horrible, something good -- meeting my family -- came.

My parents have always been very important to me and I've grown to appreciate them more and more as I got older. I always thought they were way too strict: school ended at 2:57 pm and I had to be in my house by 3:45 pm 'cause Mom would be calling. You'd better have a pretty good reason why you missed the bus and were waltzing up into her yard at 4:15 pm. Daddy was quick to discipline -- sometimes a little too fast -- but he's mellowed with age.

I know understand at almost 30 years old that my parents, like a lot of parents, did the best with what they knew. They were strict because they believed it was the best way to raise children in "Norf Amurica". They didn't want my sister and I to get involved in anything that would stop us from being the best that we could be... and that included my sister's first boyfriend, who my father could not stand. For better or for worse, I don't know who I would be if not for my parents.

My sister can be a pain, but most older siblings are pains. They always think they know better than the younger one. Even though I'm hitting my third decade on the planet in a few weeks, my sister always thinks that she's right and I'm wrong.

She's so wrong.

But I do like the fact that we are getting along better now than how we used to. Back in the day, I don't think she liked me too much. I must admit, I was a troublemaker and a bit of a crybaby. Our age difference made it kinda hard for her to want to really hang with me. Now, she lurves me :D She'll never admit it, but I know it's so.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com2) My relationship with God. God is good, all the time! And all the time, God is good! I would never say that I'm an overly religious person... actually, I don't really believe in religion. I believe in having a personal relationship with Jesus.

Don't get it twisted -- I'm not down with the smorgasbord of religions that some folks subscribe to: a little of this and a little of that. But I do think when you concentrate so much on the religion (i.e. Christians don't wear makeup, etc.) you lose out on the real important stuff. But that's another blog.

I don't really know where I'd be if I didn't have that relationship. Yes, I have loving parents and good friends, but sometimes that's just not enough.

Sometimes, there needs to be something more.

Sometimes you need guidance from somebody more all-knowing than your good girlfriend. For me, that's when I turn to God and that relationship.

Some folks may deem me old-fashioned and maybe a bit goody-goody. If that's who God wants me to be, so be it.

3) My friends. Big up to all the friends dem massive! I've never had a lot of friends. I was never the popular girl in school. It did annoy me when I was growing up, but over the years, I've learned that friends -- true good friends -- are more important than hanging around with a gaggle of people.

Heck, the one time I had a big set of friends, I couldn't stand most of them.

I pour out a little liquor for those friends who've parted ways and gone on -- not died, just lost touch and thing.

To all my friends -- whether we're close, just acquaintances or virtual -- I raise a glass of cranberry juice and Sprite to you!

4) My health. The thought of being sick scares me. Aside from minor aches and pains, a bout of asthma here and there, I'm healthy (at least I think I'm healthy, I won't know for a fact until I go to the doctor sometime next month). I'm always surprised when I see people taking their health for granted: smoking (nicotine or weed), drinking excessively, having unprotected sex. Why in the name of peace would you chance your health like that?

Your body is a temple and it's the only body you've got. It's easier to take care of it than try to heal it.

5) My job. I fret, fuss and complain about my job like no one's business, but I have to give them some respect. When I had to jet out of T.O. to go see my father at a moment's notice, my manager and VP were totally cool about it. I'm gainfully employed, I have money in my bank account and RRSPs and I can afford to travel. It may not be my ideal job, but I could be worse off.

And I've some wack azz jobs over the years...

So, those are the first five. I don't think I have five more... maybe three... I'll keep thinking about it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Today is a good day :)

Image hosted by Photobucket.comIt's amazing what a good night's rest can do for your mood :)

The building maintenance turned off the vent over my cubicle, so blasts of icy cold air aren't freezing me. The weather is still glorious -- sorry Big N, still we're still in the 30s. My big sis treated me to dinner last night to lift my spirits. The boyfriend and I discussed the sadness which is R&B music (with few notable exceptions like John Legend, Beyoncé, Alicia Keys -- you know, folks who can really 'sang'.)

I went to bed at a good hour and dreamed I was a movie star on the red carpet with Brittany Murphy. Yes, I even have dreams of grandeur ;)

And Pops is doing a lot better! He's doing physiotherapy and, hopefully, will be out of the hospital this week or next week to start his real physio at the rehab centre.

Today is a good day.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Image hosted by Photobucket.comI'm such a grump today :(

It's beautiful outside, but the darned office building is too cold -- if it were this cold outside, I'd be wearing a coat.

I'm not feeling motivated: piles of paper are growing on my desk and, while I know I should be sorting through them and prioritizing, I so don't want to.

And I feel like whining. Is that so wrong?

If I could, I would go home right now and take a nap. Alas, I can't.


It must be PMS.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

3 Bajans and a Trincy

(Yes, that's not a typo. I meant Trincy -- one of us is a Trini/Vincy mix.)

We were at church last night for the 3rd Annual Volunteer Appreciation Extravaganza. There was food, dessert and plenty jokes to share.

Don't we look cute and stylish?

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Monday, June 20, 2005

I'm back :)

Hey blogger friends,

Image hosted by Photobucket.comI'm back in Toronto after the longest two weeks of my life in Montreal. My dad fell ill and my sister and I hustled down the 401 to be with him and my mother.

Let me tell you, you don't appreciate your parents until you think you're going to lose them. Now, I love my folks and I love to hang out with them -- they have their dysfunctions and I have mine -- but when I thought my father was going to pass away... shoot.

There's so much stuff we have to do: he has to walk me down the aisle and tell two foolish stories at my wedding (whenever the event takes place); he has to crack jokes with his grandchildren (if I ever have any kids); he has to tell the grandkids stories about me as a youngster and all the disgusting and funny things we did.

My dad has too much to do to leave me yet.

I guess he realized that too, 'cause, thank God, he's on the mend. The road to recovery is going to be long, but he's a stubborn one. He's already getting better and cracking jokes on my mom.

I really have to praise God because you never really know when you'll have to say goodbye to someone you love. You never know when you'll get that call. The call we got was bad, but not horrible. My Pops is still here -- with his sense of humour, memory, practicality and spirituality that makes him who he is.

Anyway, I don't have all my thoughts together for a long blog, but I have to thank all of you who sent your prayers and thoughts to me and my family. I really appreciate it and I'm happy to be a part of this community.

Keep praying and thinking about us. Talk to y'all soon.