Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Romantic Realism - Bag lady

Man, I haven’t done one of these in a minute. Let me dust off my mic and clear my throat. Welcome to the Urban Sista Show!

I love reading other Black women’s blogs.

I guess getting a glimpse of what people are thinking, doing, living is kinda cool. And knowing that these sisters span the globe, one in Venezuela, one in Atlanta another in New York…

It’s global, but our issues, drama and joys are so much the same.

Today, I was reading a young woman’s blog – she had been at the Sugar Water Festival with Erykah Badu, Floetry, Jill Scott and some others in her home cit. Ms. Badu must have done her Bag Lady song because this person was commenting on her own baggage.

We all have baggage and it’s so similar: the person who broke your heart when you were young and vulnerable… or old and vulnerable. I remember the day my outlook on love changed… and the day that I saw how I could be treated and how I should be treated.

When he broke my heart I was young and impressionable. I didn’t know what real love was. I mean, I had watched enough Beverly Hills 90210 and Melrose Place, read countless romantic fiction novels and listened to enough R&B love jams to think I knew what love was about.

When I met said dude who drove a stake through my heart, I thought it would be all sunshine and roses.

It wasn’t.

And I carried that pain around for years. He was young, just like I was and I don’t think he truly realized how his actions would have hurt me. I mean, he didn’t know me or what I was going through emotionally. I sure as heck didn’t know him (a few conversations and being carried to a car does not a soulmate make).

So, instead of thinking, he’s just not that into me, I internalized all that mess and became bitter and depressed. I only know realized that I was going through some serious changes and probably should have spoken to a professional.

For a few years after that, I dealt with some questionable characters. No one too shady, but I was looking for love without loving myself and all that Oprah, self-help stuff that gets to be corny after a while.

But it was true.

Baggage? I had some Samsonite and Louis Vuitton cases up in the mix.

The biggest one? Are you talking about the big, red, steamer trunk over in the corner? That was my self-hatred. And if I couldn’t love myself, which decent guy was going to want to love me? I was going to continue attracting the losers until I realized what I was worth and unpacked that luggage.

So, now, I’m not baggage free, but I've only got some carry-on luggage.

I opened every piece of baggage and took everything out, piece by piece, examined it and gave it to Goodwill, ‘cause I had no more uses for it.

It’s hard to cart that baggage around and it’s hard to meet someone who wants to deal with the stuff you’ve got strapped to your back.

Two weekends ago, I saw Mr. Heartbreak at a Warner event I went to. I was kinda shocked to see him there; I didn’t know that was his thing. When he saw me, his lips folded into a smile and he hugged me.

And you know what?

I didn’t feel a damn thing: no anger, no excitement, no sadness. It was like running into someone I used to work with.

“You look amazing, as always,” he said, turning on that same disarming charm that worked on me before.

“Thanks,” I said. I knew I looked good, tell me something I don't know.

We chitchatted for a couple of minutes and my girlfriends and I decided to make moves to another part of the venue.

“OK, well, I’ll see you,” he said, still smiling. I smiled back and walked off with the girls.

And left that piece of luggage right by the bar


Blogger Pamalicious said...

Whew! The journey to get it down to a cute weekender has been great and sometimes, I need to pull out my suitcases - cause the 'issues' want to breathe. I don't fight them anymore - some issues you are suppose to carry around like little nats that just feed off of you, lol

I enjoy reading other sistas blogs as well - we all are joined by a common thread - LIFE!


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 4:11:00 PM  
Blogger ladyabena said...

Well said my dear. Relating to how together you are helps me feel good about the journey I have recently taken to leave my own bags behind.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 5:07:00 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

Doesn't it feel good to unload that baggage and be on your merry way? I've been working on this same same thing for my blog for a while. Good stuff!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:22:00 PM  
Blogger Mia said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Much APPRECIATED!!! I am glad that your baggage is lighter then in the past. It feels good when you are less weighed down and can enjoy life more! I will definitely be back here reguarly!!

Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:33:00 AM  
Blogger Star said...

Congrats! As someone who carried a similar tote around for far too long, I know how major that was for you.

Thursday, July 14, 2005 9:26:00 AM  
Blogger Campfyah said...

You go Girl!! we all carry around excess baggage at different points in our lives. It's know when to dump the excess that really matters. Yes, walk with carry on luggage, it's so easy to get rid of. Continue to Love yourself as only you can do.

Thursday, July 14, 2005 10:11:00 AM  
Blogger Urban Sista said...

@pammie - the issues do need to breathe sometimes :) So, I do open up the carry-on and air them sometimes. But I've packed lighter. Thank God!
@ladyabena - girl, I wish I was totally 'together'. I'm still a work in progress, but some things have fallen into place.
@starfoxx - thanks girl! Bun fyah!
@sepiadreams - it does feel good :)
@mimi - no worries :) come by anytime, miss.
@suga&spice - it was major. Thanks!
@campfyah - I can manage the carry-on luggage. The steamer trunk? It had to go.

Thursday, July 14, 2005 10:23:00 AM  
Blogger Jdid said...

congrats on whittling down the luggage. alot of sistas never get as far as you have.

Thursday, July 14, 2005 4:05:00 PM  

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