Monday, February 14, 2005

Fired for blogging?

I read this weekend and this morning about a few people who had been fired for blogging about their company and co-workers.


I have a real problem with that because I believe that I should be able to write whatever I would like about situations I experience, whether at work or outside of work, without worrying about losing my employment. Personally, I don't believe that these people were fired for blogging, I think their companies were looking for reasons to show them the door and their web logs were convenient scapegoats.

My question is what happened to freedom of speech? My right, as a human being, to express myself as I want to? Especially if I'm using my computer and my personal web site? If my company has an Internet policy and I'm not permitted to blog at work, let me know the policy and I'll keep my blogs for the comfort of my own home. But if there is no policy -- and I doubt any upstanding company would have enough guts to create a policy that says that you can't speak/blog ill of the company -- let people blog in peace.

As long as I don't mention any names or defining characteristics about my workplace or anyone there, I shouldn't be penalized by losing my job. What kind of mess is that? Will it go from me not being able to blog about my work life to not being about to gripe about [INSERT PROBLEM/SITUATION/PERSON] downstairs when I get a cup of coffee.

Employers who are threatened by complaining bloggers are silly because blogging, like venting, is a great outlet to get all the pent up frustration out so that you can be a productive employee. If I'm mad about a situation at work and I have no outlet to release my anger, what's going to happen?

I'm going to have a meltdown at work.

I prefer blog about whatever vexing me than go to work sour faced and belligerent and, after I've cussed out an offending co-worker, have to deal with Human Resources because I've spoken out of turn.

So, if any employers are reading this blog, don't punish your employees who blog about work. Read what they have to say and take it under advisement... or just ignore it.

It's healthy to blow off steam.


Blogger Urban Sista said...

I don't think they're idiots -- they are speaking their minds and why should they be penalized. Yes, don't blog on the company's time, but don't tell people what they can or cannot write about.

This ain't communist China. Those people weren't fired for blogging at work, they were fired because they had something negative to say about work.

It's just like someone telling you, as a journalist, that you couldn't condemn something or someone because the government doesn't like it.

That's just not right.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:26:00 AM  
Blogger Jdid said...

Depends on what thesy said though sis. Some companies have privacy documents that they make you sign before you work for them. Could this be one of those cases?

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 1:54:00 PM  
Blogger Urban Sista said...

I don't think so. I mean, if you're not saying anything about the company in terms of who they are, what they sell, marketing plans, etc. I don't know what the problem is. I'm not condoning blasting the company you work for -- heck, they are paying you -- but if there is a problem or something you want to discuss, you shouldn't be penalized.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 2:53:00 PM  
Blogger Campfyah said...

Well they might have a case, you shouldn't blog on company time or equipment. So even ifhe/she's at work and using his/her laptop. They are eithere using the Company's server or phone line. So that will amount to misapporation of company funds.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 3:43:00 PM  
Blogger Urban Sista said...

Agreed, Campfyah. Blogging at work is very different from blogging about work. Where I work, we do have a policy about using the Internet. It's quite lax and I don't know how much it's enforced, but they would have a case to punish me -- not necessarily firing at first -- if I was to use the company's resources to blog.

But, from what I read, the location of blogging wasn't the issue. It was the content of what was blogged. And to me, that's ridiculous. If you don't mention names or any identifiable markers, you shouldn't be dismissed.

To tell someone that they can't talk about something -- or firing them because they are venting about work on their own time using their own property -- is pretty much censorship.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 5:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yer - Thanks
Just a White guy pasing
Never found blogs to be interesing, but hit jdid's, while searching - And found the Caribbean slant interesting - I like cynical writing, its more funny, and it makes more sence - so I follwed his links and ended up here.
So I blew a few hours - But I will be back.
Maybe I need to get outdoors more - go on an island holiday and meet other white idiots escaping - when I could have stayed at home.
Chris. Thanks.

Friday, February 18, 2005 8:56:00 PM  

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