Friday, February 11, 2005

BET's College Hill could be the most ghetto reality TV show on air

I'm flipping channels and I came across College Hill.

Lawd hav' mercy!

The people are talking about who licked who's booty. One girl is swearing up and down that her ex-boyfriend (who is also part of the cast) licked her. He, of course, is denying it. Personally, I think the girl is trying to stir up some mess 'cause she still has feelings for the ex, but he's dating another girl. Typical drama.

But, my question is, why does the viewing public need to know who licked who (whom?)? And it's not like you're just telling your girlfriends, you're telling the world and brawling about it for a good five minutes.

Reality TV can be, by it's very nature, trash -- heck, look at Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie carrying on like idiots. But, those two are probably getting paid decently to act stupid. The kids on College Hill are airing their dirty laundry for, maybe, $2000, if they're getting anything at all.

Remember, this is BET and BET doesn't really pay. No one performs challenges or tasks. There is no $1 million prize... no real incentive, except to have your face on TV and maybe that's what these people are looking for -- a little exposure.

And let me tell you, one exposed himself to the world last Thursday.

Anyway, it's strangely intriguing -- it's like watching an accident. You know you should focus on the road ahead, but you wanna see, so badly, what's going on.

I'm a mess.

But, thankfully, it's Friday, the house is quiet and I don't have to wake up at 6 am tomorrow morning.


Blogger Jdid said...

I was stupid enough to watch most of the first season. I agree with your take its sort of like watching a car crash happen.
Anyway I was flipping the channels last week and saw the guy talking about whats the big deal that he was running around naked. Didmnt need to see any more. flip!

when it first started last season my thoughst were can they bring the race down any further. I guess they found a way this season.

Saturday, February 12, 2005 5:32:00 PM  

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