Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Do I really have to work?

This morning my director asked me if I’m working to rule.

That’s a great idea! I thought. Maybe if I try it, he’d give me a damned raise and a title change. I’m saying, he already thinks that’s what’s going on.

Folks, I’m bored at work. BORED. Not a little unmotivated, not going through a slump, I’m bored and I feel like there is nothing I can do about it.

If I have to attend one more dry meeting about pricing plans and upcoming product launches or if I have to stay late one more night working on something – something that should have been done weeks ago by someone else – I’m going to run screaming out of this building.

And if I do run screaming out of the building, will I get some time off? ‘Cause, obviously, I’m stressed out.

I’m looking for a new opportunity. Something fresh. Something fun. I want a new job. I am so tired of being tired of work. Look, it’s either I find new employment or I find a rich boyfriend (you’re still wonderful and all, hon ;))

It has gotten that bad. Don’t get me wrong, for the most part, I like the people I work with. I even like some of the people I work for, but I’m at the brink. The brink of saying, “kiss my tail, I’m out.”

But then I remember, I have bills to pay.

And a mortgage.

And I like to travel.

And my boyfriend isn’t The Donald.

So, telling anyone in management to kiss anything would be sorta detrimental to my way of life.

Oh. Now, I’m told that I can’t use any other font besides Arial 11 point. Could someone please tell me how this will affect the business? Is there not anything else more pressing that we should be discussing. Seriously, is there not real work that needs to be done? Why should there be emails about me using Century Schoolbook or Tahoma?


I’ve been searching for something new. A new job. A new volunteer opportunity. Anything new would break the monotony and my desire to kick someone for something new each day. My creativity is being stifled more and more each day. And I’m getting sicker and sicker of complaining about work.

About what I do in the time that’s provided. I can’t create an entire media launch kit in two hours – it doesn’t work like that.

About why my title can’t change after four years, but my responsibilities can. And of course, I’m not being paid for those extra responsibilities.

Sigh. I'll keep you updated on what happens next...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want to post as anonymous, but I DON'T want to log in for something I don't want to use.
anyway [INSERT KISSES TEETH HERE] because I haven't been getting no automatic updates on your blog and I'm behind. It's 1:25 AM here in the 680 News newsroom and I'm...looking busy.
Will catch up soon. But my nights are spent here and my days are spent sleeping. I. HAVE. NO. LIFE. Thank God for Saturday (free) and Sunday (church...get my praise on). Hallelujah to the King!

Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn homey.

Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl, it's Rac. I clicked anonymous because it was faster to post my message to you.

I totally understand what you are feelin'.

Its so funny on Monday, out of the blue, nobody was bothering me or anything of the sort, but, I was questioning real hard to myself the "amount" of EVER CHANGING WORK I was doing for these "people". With NO change in title; continuous promises of better days are coming, keep hangin in there, just to keep me from browsing on Workopolis.

If I didn't have other interests outside of that place...I would go absolutely MAD.

You know we, or me, try to be loyal, patient with these big companies and say sooner or later I'll "movin on up" and get an actual "office" because its a big company. When we, or me, forget that there's like 600, 700 others thinking the same way in this blasted place.

All I'm saying is that we, WE, should not let these companies determine/direct our destiny. At times yes, we get scared and very very comfortable, because its stable (ah..., kinda) and you gotta pay the bills. But we women need to take more risks and be more proactive.

Girl, the way you sound you really need something new, something inspiring? Shoot, I have and sorta am there. Hangin' there.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shell, you're not alone...Why? Cause we're living the same life. The only way to avoid having your work become the beginning, middle and contribute to the end of your life is to BREAK FREE. I've worked with people whose desk is their micro universe, you know the ones, they have their collectibles, various photographs, toys and a mug and I'm sure a change of clothes in their desk. They can't wait to get there and don't wanna leave. I say more power to them, but that ain't me. Break Free Shell! keep you head and spirits up. See you out there in the field of dreams. (From Brit-Chick :))

Saturday, October 23, 2004 7:33:00 PM  
Blogger ladyabena said...


You need to get out! I reread this old blog since I have some extra time at my new job:) I am only sorry that I am no longer there to share the 'unjoys' of that 'unlovely' company that I used to work for. It's not like that everywhere. A job is a job it is just to pay your bills. Some places do have respect for employees and even higher people based on merit. What a concept! Cut down on your expenses, find other sources of revenue. Get out there and live your dreams. Don't waste one more second. Network and tell everyone you are looking for another 9-5. More importantly plan for the launch. My girl you are a writer and life is ticking away. LIVE IT!!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 10:52:00 AM  

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